Original Penguin英国官网 美国服饰品牌

  • 更新日期:2020-01-19
  • 查看次数:
  • 站点简介:The Original Penguin© brand is a youth culture icon that represents a mix of American Sportswear and contemporary fashion appealing to a style-savvy consumer w


Original Penguin英国官网 美国服饰品牌

The Original Penguin© brand is a youth culture icon that represents a mix of American Sportswear and contemporary fashion appealing to a style-savvy consumer who's into details, but doesn't take fashion too seriously. We pay homage to our brand heritage, while being flexible enough to stay culturally relevant in our global markets, reworking our archive of mid-century classics to reflect today's lifestyle without compromising that heritage or the craftsmanship that established the Original Penguin© name.

Original Penguin©品牌是一种青年文化偶像,代表了美国运动装和当代时尚的融合,吸引了精通时尚但又不太重视时尚的精明消费者。 我们向我们的品牌传承致敬,同时又具有足够的灵活性以在全球市场中保持与文化相关的意义,并在不影响确立传统Penguin©名称的传承或工艺的前提下,对我们本世纪中叶经典作品的档案进行重新整理以反映当今的生活方式。

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