Hudson Shoes官网 英国伦敦哈德森鞋
- 更新日期:2020-03-15
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- 站点简介:Born in 1990 we have been putting our best foot forward for more than two decades with high quality affordable shoes. Acknowledging trends and giving them an id
Born in 1990 we have been putting our best foot forward for more than two decades with high quality affordable shoes. Acknowledging trends and giving them an idiosyncratic twist is the cornerstone of our philosophy.
诞生于1990年的二十多年来,我们一直在竭尽所能,推出价格实惠的高品质鞋子。 认清趋势并赋予它们特质是我们哲学的基石。在伦敦东区的肖尔迪奇(Shoreditch),我们所有的鞋子和靴子都是在这里设计的,我们承诺以大胆、创新的思维创造出原创的男鞋和女鞋。从女式踝靴、平底鞋到古典皮革布洛克鞋、男士靴子和休闲鞋 ,我们的产品受到首都的音乐、艺术和风格标志的启发。我们的鞋子拥有明显的伦敦风格,传统而独特!
标签:英国 海淘网站 Hudson Shoes 鞋履