Mindvalley Academy (US & Canada)官网 国际在线教育机构

  • 更新日期:2020-04-05
  • 查看次数:
  • 站点简介:Mindvalley Academy is an online school for all the things regular schooling forget to teach you. We bring you world-class courses from the world's top perso


Mindvalley Academy (US & Canada)官网 国际在线教育机构 第1张

Mindvalley Academy is an online school for all the things regular schooling forget to teach you. We bring you world-class courses from the world's top personal growth authors and brands to allow you to create remarkable transformations in all areas of your life.Mindvalley is much more than just an education company. We believe that technology can and should be used to enhance your learning experience. This is why we never stop investing in developing our cross-channel platforms to make the learnings fun, intuitive and most of all, transform your life.

Mindvalley Academy是一所在线学校,用于定期学校忘记教您的所有事情。 我们为您带来来自世界顶级个人成长作家和品牌的世界一流的课程,使您能够在生活的各个领域实现非凡的转变.Mindvalley不仅仅是一家教育公司。 我们认为,可以并且应该使用技术来增强您的学习体验。 这就是为什么我们从不停止投资开发跨渠道平台,使学习变得有趣,直观,最重要的是改变了您的生活。

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