SimplyLED官网 英国著名LED照明设备零售商

  • 更新日期:2020-05-03
  • 查看次数:80
  • 站点简介:As one of the largest and most respected online retailers of LED lighting and related products in the United Kingdom, SimplyLED is looking for partners to assis


SimplyLED官网 英国著名LED照明设备零售商 第1张

As one of the largest and most respected online retailers of LED lighting and related products in the United Kingdom, SimplyLED is looking for partners to assist in the delivery of our outstanding products to a wider audience.Established and based out of Leeds, UK, since August 2010 our bulk buying capacity and ability to innovate has enabled us to deliver exceptional LED lighting products at highly competitive prices.

作为英国最大和最受尊敬的LED照明及相关产品在线零售商之一,SimplyLED正在寻找合作伙伴,以帮助我们将杰出的产品交付给更广泛的受众。 2010年8月,我们的大量购买能力和创新能力使我们能够以极具竞争力的价格提供出色的LED照明产品。

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