Raging Bull官网 英国休闲服饰品牌

  • 更新日期:2020-05-11
  • 查看次数:
  • 站点简介:Raging Bull is a genuine British lifestyle brand with a sporting heritage founded by international Rugby legend Phil Vickery.The brand name is derived from Phil


Raging Bull官网 英国休闲服饰品牌 第1张

Raging Bull is a genuine British lifestyle brand with a sporting heritage founded by international Rugby legend Phil Vickery.The brand name is derived from Phil Vickery's playing days when he was known as 'The Raging Bull' and was the perfect choice for his clothing company which he founded in 2003. Raging Bull is now stocked in House of Fraser, over 100 independent stores and Raging Bull outlet stores.

Raging Bull是英国真正的生活方式品牌,具有体育传统,是由国际橄榄球传奇人物Phil Vickery创立的。该品牌名称取自Phil Vickery的娱乐天地,当时他被称为“ The Raging Bull”,是其服装公司的理想之选。 他于2003年成立。RagingBull现在在House of Fraser,100多家独立商店和Raging Bull直销店有售。

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