Evengreener官网 英国领先的回收利用和节水产品供应商

  • 更新日期:2020-05-12
  • 查看次数:
  • 站点简介:evengreener is brought to you by Straight Manufacturing Ltd, a leading manufacturer of compost bins and water butts in the UK. Straight Manufacturing Ltd has ha


Evengreener官网 英国领先的回收利用和节水产品供应商 第1张

evengreener is brought to you by Straight Manufacturing Ltd, a leading manufacturer of compost bins and water butts in the UK. Straight Manufacturing Ltd has had more than 20 years of supplying products to UK households via our partnerships with local authorities, so chances are you already have one of our wheeled bins, kerbside recycling boxes, food waste bins, composters or water butts in your home already.

Straight Manufacturing Ltd是英国堆肥箱和水and的领先制造商,它为您带来了Evengreener。 Straight Manufacturing Ltd通过与地方当局的合作关系为英国家庭提供产品已有20多年的历史,因此您的家中已经有一个带轮垃圾箱,路边垃圾回收箱,食物垃圾箱,堆肥机或水烟头之一 。

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